Istnieje całkiem sporo konstrukcji w języku angielskim, które zawierają słowo “happy”. Pamiętaj, że w poniższych przykładach czasownik może się zmieniać w zależności od czasu, jaki chcesz zastosować.
Podmiot + czasownik “to be” + happy (that) + zdanie
- I am happy that you like your new flat.
- I am happy you fell in love.
- They are happy that we will take care of their cat.
- My mum was happy that I graduated from university
- Kate will be happy that she can spend some time at home.
Przeczenie tworzymy, dodając “not” do czasownika “to be”.
- I am not happy that you didn’t tidy your room.
- We were not happy that our car broke down.
- He wasn’t happy that he lost his phone.
- My parents aren’t happy that I am leaving for China.
- Children won’t be happy that we are staying at home.
Podmiot + czasownik “to be” + happy about + rzeczownik/gerund
Przypomnijmy sobie szybko, że “gerund” to rzeczownik odczasownikowy, który tworzymy poprzez dodanie końcówki -ing do czasownika (running, eating, watching itd.)
- I am happy about moving out.
- We are happy about our new house.
- You will be happy about going to Spain.
- Teachers are happy about our skills.
- Andy is happy about finishing the project.
Podmiot + czasownik “to be” + happy with + rzeczownik
Rzeczownik w tej konstrukcji będzie oznaczał osobę albo rzecz. Takie zdania zazwyczaj odnoszą się do wyników albo osiągnięć.
- I am happy with her results.
- Mum will be happy with my grades.
- Their boss was happy with the presentation.
- Susan is not happy with my promotion.
- Tom is not happy with his favourite team performance.
Ekstra porady
1. Takiej konstrukcji możemy użyć tylko wtedy, kiedy to podmiot wykonuje daną czynność.
Podmiot + czasownik “to be” + happy + bezokolicznik
- I am happy to see you again. (=I am happy that I see you.)
- We will be happy to go there with you.
- She was happy to visit her brother.
- My parents will be happy to invite you for a holiday.
- Matthew was happy to give you a hand.
2. Poniżej lista najbardziej popularnych pytań z wyrazem “happy”.
- Why are you happy?
- What makes you happy?
- When do you feel happy?
- Was he happy yesterday?
- Are you happy now?
- Will you be happy if… (I help you)?
Przykładowe konwersacje
A) How are you doing?
B) I am so happy today because I got a pay raise and promotion at work.
A) What makes you happy?
B) I feel happy when I spend time with my friends.
A) Me too.
A) Have you watched that film?
B) I hated it. I was happy when I left the cinema.
A) Are you serious? I loved it!
A) You look thriving. What’s going on?
B) I am happy about my mum’s health. She feels much better now.
A) Oh, great! That’s good news.